Three ways to do yoga at your desk

It can be difficult to fit regular yoga practice into a busy, work-dominated lifestyle – we get it. Like most of us, you spend most of your waking hours sat at your office desk, and by the end of the day you simply lack the energy or motivation to get to the studio and start on your yoga poses. But the sedentary office lifestyle can take its toll on your body, making it even more important to build in exercises that give you the stretches you need. Here are three yoga poses you can do even while you’re sat at your desk – so now there’s no excuse.
Seated Twist
The spine and lower back feels much of the pressure of our days spent sat in one position, and this pose helps you to release the tension in an easy-to-achieve way. Sat forward in your office chair with both feet flat, put your right hand on your left knee and slowly twist towards the chair by placing your left hand on the back of the seat. Hold the pose briefly before releasing, then repeat the same in the opposite direction.
Hamstring Stretch
As well as your lower back, your legs feel the effects of remaining still for too long while you work. It’s important to get up and give them regular exercise during the day, but you can also give them a quick stretch with this pose. Position yourself right back in your chair and raise one leg until it is parallel to floor, then run one hand as far along the shin as you can comfortably go. Hold for a second, return carefully to your normal position and then repeat with the other leg.
Shoulder Stretch
The neck and shoulders can easily tense up from too much time spent hunched over your computer while typing. To relieve the pressure, lock your fingers together while sat upright, and then stretch your entwined hands right above your head and facing upwards, with your palms out. After a few seconds, rest your hands on the back of your neck while keeping them locked, then raise them skyward once more. Unlink your fingers while keeping your arms in the air for a few more moments, then slowly lower your hands to your sides.
With moves like these, it really can be easy to squeeze a gentle yoga practice into your workday and reduce the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle. To find out more about how yoga can help you remain fit and healthy, give us a call.