Mindful of New Year changes!

How are you doing on your New Year resolutions to get fit and live a healthy life? If you are yet to really get going or have faltered before the month’s end then no fear, help is here! While you might want to look at how realistic and practical your plans are, you also need to make sure that your approach and intention is giving you the best chance of success too. In other words, you need to be mindful of New Year changes and yoga can definitely help!
While not all yoga classes are centered on breathing techniques and meditation, and instead offer a more physically challenging workout, mindfulness is still a core value of this ancient, holistic exercise system. Mindful living and mindful exercise can transform your life way beyond your resolutions and fitness goals.
What is mindfulness?
In essence, mindfulness is really about bringing a greater awareness to the present moment. When we listen to others we are often focused on what we want to say next or in quiet moments we are going over past events and analyzing them in our minds. Mindfulness is about letting go of what has been and also what is to come. It is about acceptance and being fully present in the here and now.
What are the benefits of mindfulness?
There are huge benefits to mindfulness and that is why it is such an intrinsic part of yoga practice. Awareness in the present moment can lead to clarity of thought, help release stress and allow you some mental space to just ‘be’. In turn, this can pave the way for personal development and for making positive change in your life. If the idea of this present moment being makes you feel in any way anxious then that could be a strong sign that you need greater mindfulness in your life.
How can mindfulness help me stick to my resolutions?
Yoga can bring about a state of mindfulness but you can also adopt this approach in your everyday life. You may feel this is somehow avoiding dealing with real issues in life, but actually mindful living and mindful exercise can help you achieve your resolutions, through:
Greater focus – By steadying the mind and not becoming bogged down with thoughts from all directions, you are able to clearly concentrate on what you are doing and really get into the zone.
True intention – Mindfulness frees-up the mind and inspires an internal honesty mechanism where your true feelings can come to the surface. Have you made resolutions you truly want or because you feel you should be making them?
Takes away the pressure – Mindfulness practice is not about preventing thoughts but about letting ideas and emotions flow in and out of your mind, with no active holding on or analytical process. As a result you can feel less burdened by what you have not achieved and less focused on negative emotions such as feeling as if you have failed. It is amazing how much lighter and brighter the world feels as a result and how much more achievable change can be.
Yoga can help you achieve your resolutions as it not only keeps you fit and strengthens and stretches your whole body, but it also calms the mind. On top of this, yoga practice influences other aspects of your life, such as your lifestyle and your diet, as well as how you spend your time and with whom. To change your life and to reach your resolutions get in touch with some yoga sessions with us.